Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Race Matters(Correction)

Ok! Rodney King wasn't shot, but he was beat almost to death! My mistake! But I believe those who read my blog got the point! It seems as though it is always "open season" on black males in this nation! And I am fed up with the excuses! It's time to come together and take a stand! If you have a son, grandson, brother, nephew, father, uncle or just a black man that is important in your life, let's stand up for them! Sound Off! Peace & Love!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


"for the problem of the Twentieth Century is the problem of the color line." And who would have thought that "the problem of the Twentyfirst Century is the problem of the color line." Yes Dr. W.E.B. DuBois, you were right then and your words are true now. How can I say that so boldly: Rodney King, a black man unarmed, but shot by police, Amadou Diallo, a black man unarmed, but shot by police, Sean Bell, a black man unarmed, but shot by police, Oscar Grant, a black man unarmed, but shot by police.and now Trayvon Martin, a young black honor student walking home with some skittles and tea unarmed, shot by a wanna be cop. However, six black students were initially charged with second degree murder for a school fight with a white student. I rest my case!! This is my perspective! Sound Off! Peace & Love!